To my nephew Dan, who is 20 today. Time flies!
Time flies! It was four years ago today that Sadie arrived reluctantly among us. She was sooo much younger a year ago. It’s amazing.
Happy birthday Sadie Rose!
Happy Birthday
To Kelly.
Happy Birthday
To blogger Contagion.
Happy Birthday
To former blogger spouse Mrs. Smash.
Tomorrow is Sadie’s birthday. A couple of cousins have birthdays near now as well. It’s Sunday.
This means cake at my grandmother’s, where we are going for dinner, except we are supposed to be there at 11:00, which means I already need to have drank all my coffee and showered and started trying to herd kids, because it takes hours. Though we’ve gotten better. Key is probably to make sure diaper bag is ready and clothes are selected now, not later.
Tomorrow we will have cake here.
Then Saturday there’s a cookout and pumpkin picking party at my brother’s, oriented to the kids. It was originally at 2 PM, but there will be a bonfire, so 3:30. After the bullshit with people with firepits all around us, making us sick with smoke all summer! How ironic is it to be invited to a party of the same variety?
Anyway, we’re in a conundrum, because that throws the thing late enough to mess with the evening. I’m thinking to eat and get pumpkins and pretty much leave so the time is reasonable, but that relies on kids not freaking because they know there’s more. Also need to figure out what to bring for food to share, and how to cover the gas.
Ugh, time to start gulping coffee. You’d think almost an hour into being up I’d have had my first cup. And a shower, or I am not going anywhere, no matter what day it is.
Happy Birthday
To apparently former blogger Victor of Publius.
“I Cutest”
Well, it’s the morning after the emergency room run. He actually looked worse in the end than the pictures showed, and was engulfed in places not pictured.
By 10 PM it had subsided significantly but still looked bad. That was time for a new dose of Benadryl, then he participated in some book reading and hell raising before getting in bed with Deb.
He slept like a rock until 8:30, when we both got up, well ahead of his sisters.
No more hives.
Okay, not exactly no sign, since looking closely in some of the worst areas it’s like there are ghostly scars, redder skin than it should be. Presumably that will fade.
Not only did we not wake him for a 4 AM dose of Benadryl, but also I haven’t bothered with one this morning. If there seems to be the slightest reason, I won’t hesitate.
We probably won’t even worry about filling the prescription, since that was due to be given at 6 PM today only if he still had hives.
All that’s left, besides avoiding eggs, is calling the doctor Monday to arrange allergy testing. That, and I’m curious whether anyone on my side has ever had egg allergies. I know about some allergies or sensitivities to milk, clams, garlic and onions, raw tomato, but can’t remember eggs… or maybe I am thinking my older brother had that problem. Hmmm… Anyone?
Happy Birthday
To blogger Bruce of No Looking Backwards.
Happy Birthday
To blogger Maeve, who is 42 today.
Your Issue Profile: 24% Obama, 76% McCain |
![]() When it gets down to it, you tend to best match John McCain. But he’s not the perfect candidate for you, and you may not be sold on him yet. Obama shares a good number of your views too, so you might want to give him a second look. |
You are a Social Liberal (86% permissive) and an… Economic Conservative (83% permissive) You are best described as a: Libertarian
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid |
Via Leslie
I had to take Henry to the ER this evening. As far as we can tell, he is allergic to eggs. He ate far and away his largest serving of eggs so far, scrambled, at noon. He was reacting full-blown about the time Deb got home. We gave him Benadryl, and it no more than slowed it some this time. This is what he looked like after we got home:
This is extreme, but yeah, we aren’t kidding about the sensitivities and allergies. Morton Hospital was awesome. I drove him over there and we got right in. They gave him prednisone, and we have to give him Benadryl every six hours until it subsides and another dose of prednisone if needed about 6 PM tomorrow. We are to call the doctor Monday and arrange allergy testing, now that he’s over a year old. It took no time, and he mostly had fun and charmed people. As I type this, it’s finally starting to recede a bit.
Um… recede in places. His belly is massively worse.
Apparently Henry has limited tolerance for them.
Even as the whole milk products thing seems to be getting milder.
Horrendous hives. Benadryl has its work cut in for it.
In an effort to orient myself this feeling crappy, slept poorly, sick kid kind of already awfully late, rainy, possible impending hurricane morning, a list of stuff I need to do, even a few of which happening in one day would feel crazy productive, with limited explanation since it’s mainly for my benefit. And not necessarily including all the obvious “get a job” related stuff.
Write an e-mail about a business proposition.
Test a few additional elements of my niece’s computer.
Put said computer aside to get kitchen table back.
Put temp power supply from that back in computer it was borrowed from.
Move said computer off of kitchen table.
Swap sound card in Sadie’s replacement computer. (Ah, but the drivers…)
Try adding RAM to Sadie’s replacement computer. (Shame it doesn’t even see it…)
Deploy Sadie’s replacement computer.
Put away the carcasses of Sadie’s and Valerie’s dead/dying computers.
Write list of over the hill spices needing replacement.
Toss dead spices.
Clean shelves & walls of empty cabinet.
Clear counter of stuff waiting to go back into said cabinet.
Empty and clean two other cabinets.
Check and purge remaining stuff in those as needed.
Pack at-risk foods in zipper bags.
Put stuff back in the other cleaned cabinets (finishing the important set).
Dishes. Always dishes.
Freeze chicken bought last night.
Selected vacuuming.
Chip at the bookcase shelf project (clearing some upper shelves, storing some books & stuff, so things we are selling or need safe can have room out of reach and be more organized).
Followup yet more on my domain transfer.
Followup on my Arisia membership transfer and question of converting babysitting memberships to adult to sell more easily.
Then there’s the site work, posting, job hunting related profile updates, and so forth. All of which always depends on what the kids are doing or who is sleeping and where. Before I do anything, it’s getting toward time for a meal for them. Or a solid snack, anyway. Before they get cranky. Except Valerie, for whom it’s too late, though I think the ibuprofen has kicked in now.
Happy Birthday
To apparently former blogger Jay Manifold.
Happy Birthday
To Keisha Marie Ellis Gallant, a second cousin once removed, who is 19 today.
Henry Scales Table
I did a double-take when I saw Glenn saying that Grand Rounds was celebrating its fifth anniversary, since I remembered them starting after CotC, which would have been five in a few weeks had it not lapsed.
Indeed, their first edition was four years ago, almost a year after CotC started. Still a long time, and it was always an excellent idea for a carnival topic. This will be the start of their fifth year, coming up, not to be confused with fifth anniversary.
Check out the fourth anniversary Grand Rounds, the medical blog carnival.
(I know, this is pedantic. It just strikes me that it’s an important distinction, just as it will be when we celebrate our sixth anniversary January 2nd.)