Business Geekery Money

More Domains for Sale (Updated)

I put several domains I probably can’t afford to renew and may never use up for 7 day auction at very low minimum bids. The ones I just did haven’t registered in the system to have links yet, so I will update this with direct links when they are available. The names and minimum bids are: ($20) ($20) ($20) ($30) ($20) ($20) ($20)

Obviously, I am most attached to the South Shore one. The plan for all of these, and a ton more long expired, was to promote and expand geographically. I had a bunch that were [Town], where the name of towns in my coverage area and beyond were included and I could have local focus or portals. I actually used briefly, as an emergency contact page for clients there. I still have, and while I am not strongly attached to it, and may add it, I don’t expect there’s a market for the name. I did not put up for same, and that is high on the “find a way to renew it” list. Ditto for These probably won’t sell, and if they sell for the minimum it’s fairly pathetic, but hey.

The last three are movie inspired, hearkening to You’ve Got Mail, an unexpectedly awesome film. Probably all of them would have been used in marketing campaigns, not for name of business, though would work for that.

That’s the small fry. They are up for a week, a day or so of which is already gone on the first three, so get your bids in. I have the others up on more extended auctions with a buy now feature: auction auction

Respectively those have minimum bids of $300 and $500, and buy now prices of $1000 and $2000. Those represent the lowest I consider acceptable for each, and the amount I consider neither unreasonably high or low if someone wants to end the auction on the spot and guarantee snagging the domain. Those are more like selling a house or a business. The small ones are like selling… maybe a car or used furniture or something. Heh.

Added the links that were missing.

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