I haven’t figured out yet exactly how to modify .htaccess to make permalinks to posts on this blog redirect to the same posts in the eeblog folder. While I’m waiting for guru help – at least, I think I have former colleagues who may know the answer offhand and can cut me to the chase – I will probably go ahead and setup a new blog with WordPress, pointing prominently to the old blog and overlapping several recent posts. That gets it done, and worst case I may be able to do the same with the other blog I need to work on, just to get it started, knowing the redirection is possible and just tricky.
I just hate to see any links broken. Certainly not for long, even if it’s for the same of Google.
I also have a small client site update to do with static pages, which I am about to start so I can have it done and billed by Monday. That ought to get me a check by the end of the week, even if it’s small.
I’m going to regret being awake now, but apparently it was a bad idea to drink seven mugs of coffee during the course of Saturday. I was able to do very little on this with the kids, so hey, I can be a zombie for them and muddle through.